Powder magazine 1864
Solid and safe, that was what this building had to be. Gunpowder was stored here, as much as 7,000 Kg. in 140 tons of 50 Kg each.
There was therefore 3 m. of soil on the roof. Construction was completed in 1864.
A cavity provided ventilation, preventing the gunpowder from getting damp. In the wall, the grilles can still be seen on the left and right.
No piles in the ground, but built on a sand bed, founded on steel as it is called.
The actual warehouse is 3.74 x 6 m in size. The porch 3.74 x 1.20 m. The roof is designed as a barrel vault, with the wall seamlessly flowing into the ceiling. The stones in an arch that come through the front wall form the roof. With this, the thickness of the roof is also clear.
This building was restored in 2010 - 2012. The wooden nails that hold the wooden floorboards were then also used again. A clever system to ensure that iron nails could not cause sparks with the soldiers' boots that also contained nails.
The interior doors had bronze hinges. That is soft material and does not spark.
The building is used as storage for Scouting Hellevoetsluis. During the special fortress tour you can view the inside.
The front view of this warehouse.
The wooden nails.