Gunpowder magazine (bombproof hospital)

In the middle of the 19th century, there appeared to be a need for a new gunpowder magazine, with the requirement that the building be bombproof. This meant that the storage to be built would be able to withstand heavy shell impacts. The warehouse was to be built in Bastion VI.

In 1855 there was a proposal to build a small warehouse with two rooms with a length and width of 4.50 meters. These specifications were accompanied by a response from the minister in which he proposed to abandon the idea of small storage rooms and instead build a large gunpowder magazine in Bastion VI, which would serve as a central warehouse.

Normally, it was customary to supply small warehouses from large ones. This was relatively expensive in relation to the capacity of their salvage and the risky transport. The advice of the Major General Inspector of the 1st Inspectorate of Fortifications was followed by the Minister of War and in May 1857 the new gunpowder magazine was enlarged and enlarged.
The building contains three rooms, each covered by a barrel vault, 21 K/ton of gunpowder could be stored here.

In 1874, the new fortress law was passed, which led to contemporary adjustments to the fortress of Hellevoetsluis. The execution took place in the period 1880-1885. One of the modifications was that the bastions would have their own powder magazine for its users. In the process, the large powder magazine in Bastion VI lost its function as a distributor and was set up as such as a bombproof waiting room and accommodation room. The building then consisted of three vaulted rooms with an officer's quarters in them, it served as an emergency hospital and for barracks.

Nowadays known as the 'Bombproof Hospital or Bombproof Accommodation'source


Equipage De Delft is currently the "occupant" of this building.


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