Gunpowder (black powder)

Black powder is a mixture of:
Potassium nitrate (saltpeter), charcoal and sulfur.

75% potassium nitrate
15% charcoal
10% sulfur

Gunpowder is an LE low explosive (no bang when it ignites outdoors) volume magnification factor is about 5100.

Nitro-powder, the so-called smoke-weak powder is a HIGHhigh explosive (gives a bang when it ignites in the open air)
More modern smokeless gunpowder types have a devastating effect on the old metal or cast iron and bronze cannons.

Roger Bacon described the preparation of the first explosive substance, gunpowder, in 1249. Around 1300 it was known and used throughout Europe. In Europe, the honor of the invention was given to monk Berthold der Schwartze, the legendary and imaginary German inventor of gunpowder.

Gunpowder is a mixture of three components: potassium nitrate (saltpeter), sulfur and charcoal.

The name black powder is quite modern. It stems from the fact that people wanted to distinguish it from the smokeless gunpowder, which was light in color. Before that, black powder was simply called gunpowder.



Black powder powder




Granulated black powder


Has a white color and occurs in solid form in India, China, Peru, Egypt, as well as in regions of Spain and Italy.
In temperate regions it is less common and usually forms in damp low places, especially in cellars, vaults, and caves, it is then given the name wall saltpeter.


Has a pale yellow color, occurs in volcanic areas in pure form.
Italy has always been a well-known location.






Various types of wood can be used for gunpowder manufacture, but there were preferences:
Infantry gunpowder, is best made from dogwood wood.
Artillery gunpowder, it is best to use willow wood.
The former has a fast burn (needed in short small arms) and the latter burns relatively slowly, which is necessary for cannons.


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