Guided tour: Traces of the 2nd World War
July 6, 2025

This tour is specifically about the traces that the Second World War has left in the Hellevoetse fortress.

Along the way, we will tell you about the construction of the Atlantic Wall. Hellevoetsluis was part of this line of defense as Stützpunkt XXVIII.

We walk over the coastal battery, but with specific attention to the influence that the Second World War and in particular the Nazis had on the fortress of Hellevoetsluis. A look at the 612 (Schartenstand für lande und sturmabwehrgeschütze ohne Nebenräume), then we go to the exchange position.


The FlAk (Flug abwehr Kanone) bed will also be visited, the restoration of which will be completed in 2018.
The various German flotillas and their functions are discussed and also how the convoy shipping on Antwerp was attacked with Kleinkampfmittel.

In total, we will visit about 14 locations. Many traces are still present.
The guide will point this out to you and support the story with images.
The length of this tour is approximately 1.5 km and is fully wheelchair accessible.

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